Source code for tf_crnn.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "solivr"
__license__ = "GPL"

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import Model
from tensorflow.keras.backend import ctc_batch_cost, ctc_decode
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Layer, Conv2D, BatchNormalization, MaxPool2D, Input, Permute, \
    Reshape, Bidirectional, LSTM, Dense, Softmax, Lambda
from typing import List, Tuple
from .config import Params

[docs]class ConvBlock(Layer): """ Convolutional block class. It is composed of a `Conv2D` layer, a `BatchNormaization` layer (optional), a `MaxPool2D` layer (optional) and a `ReLu` activation. :ivar features: number of features of the convolutional layer :vartype features: int :ivar kernel_size: size of the convolutional kernel :vartype kernel_size: int :ivar stride: stride of the convolutional layer :vartype stride: int, int :ivar cnn_padding: padding of the convolution ('same' or 'valid') :vartype cnn_padding: :ivar pool_size: size of the maxpooling :vartype pool_size: int, int :ivar batchnorm: use batch norm or not :vartype batchnorm: bool """ def __init__(self, features: int, kernel_size: int, stride: Tuple[int, int], cnn_padding: str, pool_size: Tuple[int, int], batchnorm: bool, **kwargs): super(ConvBlock, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.conv = Conv2D(features, kernel_size, strides=stride, padding=cnn_padding) = BatchNormalization(renorm=True, renorm_clipping={'rmax': 1e2, 'rmin': 1e-1, 'dmax': 1e1}, trainable=True) if batchnorm else None self.pool = MaxPool2D(pool_size=pool_size, padding='same') if list(pool_size) > [1, 1] else None # for config purposes self._features = features self._kernel_size = kernel_size self._stride = stride self._cnn_padding = cnn_padding self._pool_size = pool_size self._batchnorm = batchnorm
[docs] def call(self, inputs, training=False): x = self.conv(inputs) if is not None: x =, training=training) if self.pool is not None: x = self.pool(x) x = tf.nn.relu(x) return x
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: """ Get a dictionary with all the necessary properties to recreate the same layer. :return: dictionary containing the properties of the layer """ super_config = super(ConvBlock, self).get_config() config = { 'features': self._features, 'kernel_size': self._kernel_size, 'stride': self._stride, 'cnn_padding': self._cnn_padding, 'pool_size': self._pool_size, 'batchnorm': self._batchnorm } return dict(list(super_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
[docs]def get_crnn_output(input_images, parameters: Params=None) -> tf.Tensor: """ Creates the CRNN network and returns it's output. Passes the `input_images` through the network and returns its output :param input_images: images to process (B, H, W, C) :param parameters: parameters of the model (``Params``) :return: the output of the CRNN model """ # params of the architecture cnn_features_list = parameters.cnn_features_list cnn_kernel_size = parameters.cnn_kernel_size cnn_pool_size = parameters.cnn_pool_size cnn_stride_size = parameters.cnn_stride_size cnn_batch_norm = parameters.cnn_batch_norm rnn_units = parameters.rnn_units # CNN layers cnn_params = zip(cnn_features_list, cnn_kernel_size, cnn_stride_size, cnn_pool_size, cnn_batch_norm) conv_layers = [ConvBlock(ft, ks, ss, 'same', psz, bn) for ft, ks, ss, psz, bn in cnn_params] x = conv_layers[0](input_images) for conv in conv_layers[1:]: x = conv(x) # Permutation and reshape x = Permute((2, 1, 3))(x) shape = x.get_shape().as_list() x = Reshape((shape[1], shape[2] * shape[3]))(x) # [B, W, H*C] # RNN layers rnn_layers = [Bidirectional(LSTM(ru, dropout=0.5, return_sequences=True, time_major=False)) for ru in rnn_units] for rnn in rnn_layers: x = rnn(x) # Dense and softmax x = Dense(parameters.alphabet.n_classes)(x) net_output = Softmax()(x) return net_output
[docs]def get_model_train(parameters: Params): """ Constructs the full model for training. Defines inputs and outputs, loss function and metric (CER). :param parameters: parameters of the model (``Params``) :return: the model (``tf.Keras.Model``) """ h, w = parameters.input_shape c = parameters.input_channels input_images = Input(shape=(h, w, c), name='input_images') input_seq_len = Input(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32, name='input_seq_length') label_codes = Input(shape=(parameters.max_chars_per_string), dtype=tf.int32, name='label_codes') label_seq_length = Input(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32, name='label_seq_length') net_output = get_crnn_output(input_images, parameters) # Loss function def warp_ctc_loss(y_true, y_pred): return ctc_batch_cost(label_codes, y_pred, input_seq_len, label_seq_length) # Metric function def warp_cer_metric(y_true, y_pred): pred_sequence_length, true_sequence_length = input_seq_len, label_seq_length # y_pred needs to be decoded (its the logits) pred_codes_dense = ctc_decode(y_pred, tf.squeeze(pred_sequence_length, axis=-1), greedy=True) pred_codes_dense = tf.squeeze(tf.cast(pred_codes_dense[0], tf.int64), axis=0) # only [0] if greedy=true # create sparse tensor idx = tf.where(tf.not_equal(pred_codes_dense, -1)) pred_codes_sparse = tf.SparseTensor(tf.cast(idx, tf.int64), tf.gather_nd(pred_codes_dense, idx), tf.cast(tf.shape(pred_codes_dense), tf.int64)) idx = tf.where(tf.not_equal(label_codes, 0)) label_sparse = tf.SparseTensor(tf.cast(idx, tf.int64), tf.gather_nd(label_codes, idx), tf.cast(tf.shape(label_codes), tf.int64)) label_sparse = tf.cast(label_sparse, tf.int64) # Compute edit distance and total chars count distance = tf.reduce_sum(tf.edit_distance(pred_codes_sparse, label_sparse, normalize=False)) count_chars = tf.reduce_sum(true_sequence_length) return tf.divide(distance, tf.cast(count_chars, tf.float32), name='CER') # Define model and compile it model = Model(inputs=[input_images, label_codes, input_seq_len, label_seq_length], outputs=net_output, name='CRNN') optimizer = tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=parameters.learning_rate) model.compile(loss=[warp_ctc_loss], optimizer=optimizer, metrics=[warp_cer_metric], experimental_run_tf_function=False) # TODO this is set to true by default but does not seem to work... return model
[docs]def get_model_inference(parameters: Params, weights_path: str=None): """ Constructs the full model for prediction. Defines inputs and outputs, and loads the weights. :param parameters: parameters of the model (``Params``) :param weights_path: path to the weights (.h5 file) :return: the model (``tf.Keras.Model``) """ h, w = parameters.input_shape c = parameters.input_channels input_images = Input(shape=(h, w, c), name='input_images') input_seq_len = Input(shape=[1], dtype=tf.int32, name='input_seq_length') filename_images = Input(shape=[1], dtype=tf.string, name='filename_images') net_output = get_crnn_output(input_images, parameters) output_seq_len = tf.identity(input_seq_len) # need this op to pass it to output filenames = tf.identity(filename_images) model = Model(inputs=[input_images, input_seq_len, filename_images], outputs=[net_output, output_seq_len, filenames]) if weights_path: model.load_weights(weights_path) return model