Source code for tf_crnn.preprocessing

#!/usr/bin/env python
__author__ = "solivr"
__license__ = "GPL"

import re
import numpy as np
import os
from .config import Params, CONST
import pandas as pd
from typing import List, Tuple
from import get_image_shape_without_loading

def _convert_label_to_dense_codes(labels: List[str],
                                  split_char: str,
                                  max_width: int,
                                  table_str2int: dict):
    Converts a list of formatted string to a dense matrix of codes

    :param labels: list of strings containing formatted labels
    :param split_char: character to split the formatted label
    :param max_width: maximum length of string label (max_n_chars = max_width_dense_codes)
    :param table_str2int: mapping table between alphabet units and alphabet codes
    :return: dense matrix N x max_width, list of the lengths of each string (length N)
    labels_chars = [[c for c in label.split(split_char) if c] for label in labels]
    codes_list = [[table_str2int[c] for c in list_char] for list_char in labels_chars]

    seq_lengths = [len(cl) for cl in codes_list]

    dense_codes = list()
    for ls in codes_list:
        dense_codes.append(ls + np.maximum(0, (max_width - len(ls))) * [0])

    return dense_codes, seq_lengths

def _compute_length_inputs(path: str,
                           target_shape: Tuple[int, int]):

    w, h = get_image_shape_without_loading(path)
    ratio = w / h

    new_h = target_shape[0]
    new_w = np.minimum(new_h * ratio, target_shape[1])

    return new_w

[docs]def preprocess_csv(csv_filename: str, parameters: Params, output_csv_filename: str) -> int: """ Converts the original csv data to the format required by the experiment. Removes the samples which labels have too many characters. Computes the widths of input images and removes the samples which have more characters per label than image width. Converts the string labels to dense codes. The output csv file contains the path to the image, the dense list of codes corresponding to the alphabets units (which are padded with 0 if `len(label)` < `max_len`) and the length of the label sequence. :param csv_filename: path to csv file :param parameters: parameters of the experiment (``Params``) :param output_csv_filename: path to the output csv file :return: number of samples in the output csv file """ # Conversion table table_str2int = dict(zip(parameters.alphabet.alphabet_units, # Read file dataframe = pd.read_csv(csv_filename, sep=parameters.csv_delimiter, header=None, names=['paths', 'labels'], encoding='utf8', escapechar="\\", quoting=0) original_len = len(dataframe) dataframe['label_string'] = dataframe.labels.apply(lambda x: re.sub(re.escape(parameters.string_split_delimiter), '', x)) dataframe['label_len'] = dataframe.label_string.apply(lambda x: len(x)) # remove long labels dataframe = dataframe[dataframe.label_len <= parameters.max_chars_per_string] # Compute width images (after resizing) dataframe['input_length'] = dataframe.paths.apply(lambda x: _compute_length_inputs(x, parameters.input_shape)) dataframe.input_length = dataframe.input_length.apply(lambda x: np.floor(x / parameters.downscale_factor)) # Remove items with longer label than input dataframe = dataframe[dataframe.label_len < dataframe.input_length] final_length = len(dataframe) n_removed = original_len - final_length if n_removed > 0: print('-- Removed {} samples ({:.2f} %)'.format(n_removed, 100 * n_removed / original_len)) # Convert fields to list paths = dataframe.paths.to_list() labels = dataframe.labels.to_list() # Convert string labels to dense codes label_dense_codes, label_seq_length = _convert_label_to_dense_codes(labels, parameters.string_split_delimiter, parameters.max_chars_per_string, table_str2int) # format in string to be easily parsed by string_label_codes = [[str(ldc) for ldc in list_ldc] for list_ldc in label_dense_codes] string_label_codes = [' '.join(list_slc) for list_slc in string_label_codes] data = {'paths': paths, 'label_codes': string_label_codes, 'label_len': label_seq_length} new_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data) new_dataframe.to_csv(output_csv_filename, sep=parameters.csv_delimiter, header=False, encoding='utf8', index=False, escapechar="\\", quoting=0) return len(new_dataframe)
[docs]def data_preprocessing(params: Params) -> (str, str, int, int): """ Preporcesses the data for the experiment (training and evaluation data). Exports the updated csv files into `<output_model_dir>/preprocessed/updated_{eval,train}.csv` :param params: parameters of the experiment (``Params``) :return: output path files, number of samples (for train and evaluation data) """ output_dir = os.path.join(params.output_model_dir, CONST.PREPROCESSING_FOLDER) if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) else: 'Output directory {} already exists'.format(output_dir) csv_train_output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'updated_train.csv') csv_eval_output = os.path.join(output_dir, 'updated_eval.csv') # Preprocess train csv n_samples_train = preprocess_csv(params.csv_files_train, params, csv_train_output) # Preprocess train csv n_samples_eval = preprocess_csv(params.csv_files_eval, params, csv_eval_output) return csv_train_output, csv_eval_output, n_samples_train, n_samples_eval